Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why I started blogging???

Well this is one question that struck me once I wrote 2 blogs in a single day. What made me write a blog, one that I have not attempted for so long a time. Well initially I expected boredom to be an answer. But then there have been times when I have been bored to the core! So that won't answer it. Then another reason might be that I don't have work. But then doesn't that serve the backbone of being bored? Actually there is a thin line of difference. When being bored you are not intereseted in doing anything at all! When you have no work then you have nothing to do at all. Confused?? So am I. But I am sure that neither of these are reasons worthy enough to justify the fact that I write 2, well now 3 blogs in the same day. Because I am not bored and worse I have so many pending works to carry out.
One reason might be the fact that seeing so many people around me writing blogs regularly to have motivated it. Or it might be that my reading and writing habits have come down. This has affected my overall general awareness and I was looking like a lost one when I had attended an mock interview. Then I realized that I should do something to strike back. But you always know how are promises? They are seldom realized. So after a long thought I felt well writing a blog is the best way. You have to read a lot, have a clear idea of the concept, take sides if needed and most importantly THINK!!!
So all is well that sustains well. Hopefully I can keep this process active.

G-20 summit: Expectation meter

The last time the G-20 meet happened in Washington during Nov-2008, lot was expected but finally all we heard from the leaders were resolve to work together and commitment for a better monetary policy. Protectionism that could stifle trade was to be avoided but per the World Bank 17 of them have not followed the proposal and have tried to protect the economies.

So will the all talks and no decision funda be carried forward to one more round at London in April 2009? Or are we in for a different expectation around this time where economic crisis has increased to unimaginable proportions than what it was during the last meet that the monetary policies of most of the economies has been to sustain not growth but bare existence! So what are we in for this time?

While the US has been keen for the other economies to follow its pattern of pumping money to provide the economy stimulus program the EU is wary of the same while France and Germany have clearly stated that only a stringent financial regulatory regime will bring out the much needed stability. With so much of a disagreement between the world leaders at the outset the expectation meter straightaway is set very low with the French President even going to the extent of walking out if his demands for the strict regulatory norms of the rating agencies and hedge funds are not answered.

India and China too have an important role to play in this. When other economies are facing a slump these two economies have showed reselience marking the initial jitters as an impact of the global downturn. With the US which was more of a consumer market for a long time changing its shades to become a saving economy to reduce its debts, these economies have to change their trend to take a seizable position that the US economy occupied.

The main key areas that are to be discussed should be

  1. An economic stimulus that is uniform accross all the member nations.

  2. Stricter regulatory norms for the tax havens and the rating agencies.

  3. Make the funding bodies - World Bank and IMF more meaningful. What we have to remember is that though we are facing a crisis we sholudn't forget that many underdeveloped countries look upon us to provide them help. With the situation at hand worse even in the G-20 countries which account for 90% of world GDP, 80% of world trade and 2/3rd of population one need not be a genius to imagine how it will be in the underprevilaged ones.

  4. Finally atleast this time around protectionism needs to be avoided. With the liberalization of the markets and free-trade, the economies of many countries especially in the poverty stricken regions of Asia showing a remarkable development, much can be done to better their conditions if the bigger economies do not protect their trade. But these are easoer said than done, especially with the current economic situation.

With so many agendas to be met and a very small time span will the summit achieve anything at all? Though it surely will not be pandemonium it may not achieve anything notable in the end! The World is watching the leaders to see how they drive the economies at the time they are most needed to put up their best fight.

But one question still lingers me! With all the countries in debt who has lent these money and where has it gone???

The Second Wall???

When Shewag commented after the end of the Second Test against New Zeland that we have a Second wall from the Norht it was like What??? We cannot deny the fact that the innings Gambhir played was maybe the most inportant in his cricketing career which helped India hold on to the 2-0 lead and take us to a position from where we will not lose the series. And there is no denying the fact that he has improved a lot from the days when his head used to fall over each time he tried to flick the ball from his pads making him the easiest victim for an LBW decision and there wasn't an easier task then claiming his wicket to a position where he has put a heavy price on his wicket. But still he has his temprament issues like the elbowing incident to Shane Watson and getting suspended for a match. 'The Wall' is given to the man who on the contrary has been immovable not only in the physical game but also mentally. You can see that how much ever he is provoked it will evoke the same emotion that flows when he hits a century - A smile!! Its not just the cricket that is played but also the way it is played. The only other person who in contemporary cricket has the right to this title is Chanderpaul who has time and again proved that he is simply unmovable.
We may have a 'Second Wall' in the making. But that is too far fletched as Gambhir has a lot to prove still and he is still in the early part of his career starting to show threads of consistency. Lets hope that he is a long term investment and sticks to the opening because rarely we have a permanent combination right at the top.